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June 2024

Delayed funds updates, Team changes, First ever EAGx in Canada

December 2023

Donation deadlines, Projects you can support, Canadian AI Safety organization, Giving What We Can Vancouver celebration

November 2023

Donation delay and operational changes, Updates on funds, Sharing leadership duties

December 2022

Leadership and strategy changes, GiveDirectly match until Dec 31, 2022 year-end updates

December 2022

2022 giving deadlines, Effective Giving Day highlights, Double Up Drive and ACE donation matches

May 2022

Team changes, Giving What We Can in Canada + more

March 2022

In the news, supporting Ukrainians, tax tips, and more

January 2022

Celebrating your generosity in 2021 + we were in the news

Giving Tuesday 2021

It's also International Effective Giving Day!

September 2021

Check out RC Forward's new annual report! See what your generosity accomplished in 2020

July 2021

Record-breaking giving in Canada, new partner charities, team updates, how to donate crypto through RC Forward, and more

May 2021

RC Forward updates, COVID-19 India, highlights from our partner charities, and the global effective giving community